What is the need of Option Strict On in VB.NET ?
The advantage of using OPTION STRICT ON is that it makes the code strongly typed. So it allows implicit data conversions for widening conversions only. Thus it results in no data loss. Also, conversion between numeric types and strings are also avoided
Use of Option Strict On
When programming in VB.NET, you should always do OPTION STRICT ON.
By default, VB.NET has OPTION STRICT OFF. So the program will do implicit type conversions and late bindings which leads to performance problems and run-time errors. Also, it will be difficult to understand the code later on. So it is a sub standard programming practice.
The advantage of using OPTION STRICT ON is that it makes the code strongly typed. So it allows implicit data conversions for widening conversions only. Thus it results in no data loss. Also, conversion between numeric types and strings are also avoidedWidening Conversions
Widening conversions means...
Byte can be converted to Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Short can be converted to Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Integer can be converted to Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Char can be converted to Char, String
and so on..
but integer cannot be converted to byte. (here, not from right to left)How to set the option strict on in visual studio?
Go to Tools -> Options -> Projects & Solutions -> VB Defaults -> Set Option Strict On
It speeds up the code also.