.Net Mobile Development and Mobile Page Life Cycle
In this article, I have demonstrated basic concepts of .Net Mobile.
Mobile Controls are the building blocks for developing mobile applications.
Mobile Page Life Cycle has also been explained by comparing it with ASP.net page life cycle.
Examples of Mobile Web Form Controls have also been added for reference.
I hope this article will be useful for you.
.Net Mobile Development and Mobile Page Life Cycle :
Mobiles are very important device in every one's day to day activities.
Exchanging data with other person becoming very much easy because of mobile applications.
Developing such applications with .Net is not tedious at all.
What are the devices which use .Net Mobile Applications?
The Mobile Devices includes Cell Phones, Two Way Pagers, Palm Pilots, Pocket PC's and many more.
How to approach for developing .Net Mobile Application:
.NET Mobile is an extension to Microsoft ASP.NET and the Microsoft's .NET Framework.
To Develop a mobile web application with ASP.NET includes following steps:
1.Create an ASP.NET page
2.Include System.Mobile.UI
3.Add Mobile Controls to the page
The following ASP.NET page displays "My First Mobile Application" as a WML card in a WML enabled cell phone:
<%@ Page Inherits="System.Mobile.UI.MobilePage">
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile_Application" Namespace="System.Mobile.UI">
<Mobile_Application:Form runat="server">
<Mobile_Application:Label runat="server">My First Mobile Application
.NET Mobile will generate WML code for WAP enabled cell phones and HTML code for devices like the Pocket PC.
The MobilePage control is the primary container for the mobile application.
Real time business can be acquired by using .Net Mobile Applications.
How Mobile Page Life Cycle is different than ASP.Net page life cycle?:
In Mobile Page Life Cycle, device adapters are getting decided by using
It will also apply the device specific customizations. Then it loads view state and process postback data.
In Load method, The MobileControl base class implementation calls the OnLoad method of the control to perform device adapter–specific loading of information.
It sends postback change notifications. After that it also handles postback events.
After pre-render , it saves the state. In render method , the adapter accesses and renderes child controls. It also maintains order of child controls.
In unload or dispose method , device adapter clean-up activities are performed.
Mobile device development is differentiated from desktop and Web application because we need to have specific templates to develop mobile applications.
Few Examples of Mobile Web Form Controls are as follows:
1. AdRotator : Mobile controls add the ImageKey and NavigateUrlKey Properties. This control is used to display advertisements.
2. PhoneCall :This control will initiate a phone call on devices whose having capabilities of dialing up.
3. DeviceSpecific : This control enables property overrides and templates for mobile controls.The DeviceSpecific control is used to target the appearance of a Mobile Form or Mobile Panel.