Whats new in Visual Studio 2010 and when to use which Visual Studio 2010 edition?

Visual Studio 2010 has introduced many more new features and listing of all features in one article is very difficult. I have tried to gather few of the new changes of Visual Studio 2010 in this article. I hope it will be useful for you.

Visual Studio 2010 has various editions such as Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate ,
Visual Studio 2010 Premium , Visual Studio 2010 Professional edition.

When to go for Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition?

Whenever your project demands for IntelliTrace or Architecuture explorer , you have to choose Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition.
Also if there is focus on UML modelling or Logical class Designer , Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition must be used.

When to go for Visual Studio 2010 Premium edition?

Visual Studio 2010 Premium edition gives you good support for UI Test Automation , Database change management , Database unit testing.It supports performance profiling as well.
Code coverage is handled well by this edition.

When to go for Visual Studio 2010 Professional edition?

When you want to use more Sliverlight tools, Visual Studio 2010 Professional edition will be the best one. Also if development involves more web development or sharepoint , Visual Studio 2010 Professional edition is used.
New WPF editor is extremely user friendly.
Description :
The VS Integrated Development Enviornment (IDE) is based on Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) which helps you in the following :
1) It reduces complexity.
2) Well defined User Interface (UI) organization.
3) Multi monitor support is already provided.
4) Multiple document window support.
5) Extendibility is easier.
6) Zooming is allowed.

Some of new changes:

jQuery has been included by default. It is javascript open source framework.
It is easy to understand. It also provides IntelliSense.

2) Extensible Output Caching:
In ASP.net 4.0 it is possible to configure one or more custom output cache providers which can be any of the following :
either Local or remote disks
or Cloud storage
or Distributed cache engines.

3) Web.config in ASP.net 4 applications gives provision to users to keep web.config empty or user can specify the target framework of the applications.
The major configuration elements have been already moved to machine.config file.

There are many more advantages of ASP.net 4.0 other than above mentioned.


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