Microsoft Dynamics GP Dexterity

Great Plains dynamics is the graphical accounting software developed for platform independent and database independent by Great Plains Software. Microsoft bought it and named as Microsoft Dynamics GP. It also has Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics SL and Microsoft Dynamics AX for ERP management.Dexterity used in GP for platform and database independent.


Dexterity is a IDE used to give graphical interface to the accounting software Great Plains dynamics. It is a platform independent and database independent. Dexterity itself was created using the C programming language.


SanScript is the scripting language used in dexterity to give the functionality to the controls in the application and also used for database connections and operations on database.

Dexterity has Application Dictionary, Runtime Engine, dex.dic dictionary and some other files.

Application Dictionary

Using dexterity can create Forms, Windows, Tables, Fields and Datatypes. The all contents are stored in a dictionary, it has the extension as .dic. The fields and datatypes can be used anywhere in a dictionary. You can also create local fields and datatypes. The dictionary is compiled and given to the customers with the Runtime Engine.

Runtime Engine

This is executable file named as runtime.exe. This runtime engine parse the dictionary and provides the graphical view to the user. They can interact with the application.


It is a dictionary provides resources that needed for the application dictionary and the runtime engine to run appropriately.

Application Types

Using dexterity we can create two types of applications called Stand Alone and integrating applications. Dynamics.dic is the dictionary used in creation of integrating applications with Microsoft Dynamics GP. This dictionary will provide some additional procedures and functions to create a application. We can integrate our application to the dynamics GP by adding the dictionary to the existing product.

Development Process

It consists of four levels Interface design, Database design, Report Generation and Scripting for Logic.


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