Certifications for many languages
There is a site www.brainbench.com here you can write number of test and they will provide you certifications. They will provide a logo if you passed in the test, you can use them in your resume and a transcript id will be provided for you using this anyone can see your marks.
In brainbench anyone can register with their details and take test any test in various topics. Test will be in different levels like basic,intermediate etc.Details about site
Test contains some timing, if you didn't finish in time it will automatically submits. After completion they will show the marks and also shows your strengths and weakness in a language.
They will provide you a transcript number using this number everyone can see the marks what you was obtained in particular test. They also give logo to if you are passed in the exam.
You can improve your self in particular area of your weakness and this will be useful for job finders.
You can get the certificate in electronic form or in paper.
My transcript number is 10223573 you can check my certifications and marks obtained in brainbench. There also details about my strengths and weakness. They provided me the logo's it can be used in resume.
There are paid test are available and some free test also available you can take any test in various fields.
Nice Information..
Thanks for sharing!