Query to find First and Third Saturday of a month

In this article, I am going to explain How to find number of sundays between two dates using SQL, How to find number of days in a month excluding Sundays using SQL, Get number of weekdays between two dates in SQL, Query to find First and Third Saturday of a month Query to find 100th Day of a year Which dates Saturday's and sunday's occurs in a month

At first I display all Dates of the year with its Day.
I moved it into a temporary table.

Declare @StartDay datetime, @EndDay datetime
Set @StartDay='2013-01-01'
Set @EndDay='2013-12-31'

;with cte(Date) as
select @StartDay
union all
select Date+1 from cte where Date < @EndDay
select Date,DATENAME(W,Date)Day into #calendar from cte option (MAXRECURSION 400)

Number Of Sundays in the year

select COUNT(*)[Number Of Sundays] from #calendar where Day='Sunday'

Number of days in a month excluding Sundays

select COUNT(*)[NoOfDays Excluding Sundays] from #calendar
where Day<>'Sunday' and MONTH(Date)=01

Sundays In January

select Date [Sundays In January] from #calendar where Day='Sunday' and MONTH(Date)=1

First and Third Saturday in a Month

select * from (
select *,ROW_NUMBER()over (partition by Day order by Date)week from #calendar
where Day ='saturday' and MONTH(Date)=3
)a where week in (1,3)

100th Day of a year

select Date [100th Day of a year] from (
select *,ROW_NUMBER()over (order by Date)rn from #calendar
)a where rn=100

Saturday's and sunday's in a month

select * from #calendar
where Day in ('saturday','Sunday') and month(date)=6


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