Online free code generator for databases in C#/VB.NET
Using your existing database you can create stored procedure and you can also create your database here and then it creates code for C#/VB.NET object model class code, Data layer code, and stored procedures.
pureobjects is the site, where you can create database or insert the create script for your database then it will create the code for C#/VB.NET object model class code, Data layer code, and stored procedures to create, insert and update. Learn online free code generator for databases in C#/VB.NET
  SQL Database CREATE Scripts
Pure Objects generates the following all at once:
  C#/VB.NET Model Object Class code
  C#/VB.NET Data Layer code
  SQL table create script
  SQL CRUD stored procedures scripts
There will be a manual to produce the Generate SQL Database CREATE Scripts using that you can create the create script for the existing tables or else you can create a new table in that website itself there is a link. Here you can create the database for your project then you can specify the language C# or VB.NET and the version 2.0 is the only available version. It drastically reduces the time to writing code for stored procedures and C#/VB.NET Model Object Class code, Data Layer code.
I think it is very useful tool for creating stored procedures for many tables in a project and mainly reduces time.
Hi somasekar,
Thanks for sharing, this will be very useful... :-)
Nice one