Online free code generator for databases in C#/VB.NET

Using your existing database you can create stored procedure and you can also create your database here and then it creates code for C#/VB.NET object model class code, Data layer code, and stored procedures.

Learn online free code generator for databases in C#/VB.NET

pureobjects is the site, where you can create database or insert the create script for your database then it will create the code for C#/VB.NET object model class code, Data layer code, and stored procedures to create, insert and update.


  SQL Database CREATE Scripts

Pure Objects generates the following all at once:

  C#/VB.NET Model Object Class code
  C#/VB.NET Data Layer code
  SQL table create script
  SQL CRUD stored procedures scripts

There will be a manual to produce the Generate SQL Database CREATE Scripts using that you can create the create script for the existing tables or else you can create a new table in that website itself there is a link. Here you can create the database for your project then you can specify the language C# or VB.NET and the version 2.0 is the only available version. It drastically reduces the time to writing code for stored procedures and C#/VB.NET Model Object Class code, Data Layer code.

I think it is very useful tool for creating stored procedures for many tables in a project and mainly reduces time.


Author: SonyShiva28 Mar 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Hi somasekar,

Thanks for sharing, this will be very useful... :-)
Nice one

Author: Sukrut02 Apr 2012 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 0

Yes Sir ,This is very Helpful Info for me as i m new here Thanks for me

Author: chidambaram05 Apr 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Hello somu sir... link is very useful

Author: SIVA RAMAMOORTHY05 Apr 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Hey somu,

Its awesome stuff man..

Thanks alot to you..

Guest Author: Noman18 Feb 2014

its create wrong procedure of update

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