Bind the static data to GridView control

Very often we come across the situation to bind the static data to GridView control in .NET, either that is for the POC purpose or training purpose. Are you looking for Bind the static data to GridView control? Then check this article. We can do bind the static data to GridView control in several ways. Find the code for Bind the static data to GridView control.

Learn how to bind the static data to GridView control

Below is the sample code snippet to bind the data to a GridView control in .NET.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
DataTable dt = bindGridView();
GrvExportExcel.DataSource = dt;
public DataTable bindGridView()
DataTable table = new DataTable();

table.Columns.Add("StudentID", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("StudentName", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("FatherName", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("City", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(string));

table.Rows.Add(101, "Satwik", "Mohan", "Hyderabad","India");
table.Rows.Add(102, "Siddu", "Mahesh", "Hyderabad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(104, "Sravan", "Sujan", "Hyderabad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(105, "Nishanth", "Venkat", "Hyderabad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(106, "Tejaswi", "Veera", "Hyderabad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(107, "Sushanth", "Swaroop", "Secbad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(108, "Swetha", "Chanti", "Secbad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(109, "Niraja", "Venkat", "Secbad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(110, "Nisha", "Naga", "Secbad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(111, "Satwik", "Mohan", "Hyderabad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(112, "Siddu", "Mahesh", "Hyderabad", "India");
table.Rows.Add(114, "Sravan", "Sujan", "Hyderabad", "India");

return table;

Below is the screen shot.
Static Data to Gridview


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