Computer capturing power everywhere
Computer, a name which is expanding its branches everywhere with such a strong capture that more and more inclination towards technological end, although large but still lot to discover about. Not a one day work but took decades to become well known personality with its own artificial intelligence creating challenges to others.
Something which looks like become so familiar with the the surrounding environment that we starts living with it. A thing that can think and is everywhere. Make people interact with each other more fast then ever and in whatever be the location and condition they are.
Every mind can think of becoming a researcher with brilliant artificial intelligence by having a great talk with the machine with solution to every problem.
It starts from the scratch of calculation with gradual expension of power and now the master of its own trait of complex world of mathematics.
Small vision, not so much expensive in nature, strong and large distributed network calling evreryone everybody at one common place. Challenging new challenges with its system design and interwoven engineering technology.
Although in the initial stage of its inception it fought a lot to survive. But thanks to some prominent names like Gottfried Leibniz, Charles Babbage who put their valuable contribution to give it due respect for todays world in todays mind.
Now, with the wakeup of morning a new thought use to arise why not to be the master of this tecnological master.