How to update items in InfoPath dropdown from SharePoint list ?

This article will tell you about how to update infopath dropdown list items dynamically. For this you need to create a list in your sharepoint site. And then create a blank design form in InfoPath, on that blank form drag two dropdown controls. Now you have to create a receiving data connection from sharepoint list. Once you will create a data connection and then you need to set some properties of dropdown.

Update value in InfoPath dropdown list items from SharePoint list.
To do so please follow below steps:

1. Create a SharePoint list called "Bike" with two columns Bike Brand and Engine Capacity (in CC).

2. Open InfoPath and choose blank design template.

3. Drag two dropdown controls on page. One is for "Bike Brand" and another one is for "Engine Capacity (CC)"

4. Now create a Receiving data connection from SharePoint list. You can create data connection from Tools menu.

5. From wizard select the two fields that you created.

6. Right click on first dropdown list and select properties.

7. From properties window, select 'Data' tab.

8. Select the option "Look up values from an external data source".

9. Click on icon near to value icon and choose the field name.

10. Same for Display name.

11. Click OK.

12. Now repeat the steps 7 to 11 for another Dropdown list.

13. So your steps have been completed. Now add an item into your sharepoint list and come back to InfoPath form and click on Preview.

14. In your drop down items you will find the items those are in SharePoint list.


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