VB.net Numeric Textbox - User Control Properties to set input type Auto Case Converter
User-defined TextBox-Control-Changing its color when in focus/LostFocus - Enable either Only Numeric Input Or All Characters - Define the Decimal Length for numeric input - Convert Case Automatically as per the Property value. It is about VB.net Numeric Textbox - User Control Properties to set input type Auto Case Converter. Find code for VB.net Numeric Textbox - User Control Properties to set input type Auto Case Converter.
Overview on VB.net Numeric Textbox - User Control Properties to set input type Auto Case Converter
1. Changes its color when focus/LostFocus
2. You can Enable either Only Numeric Input Or All Characters
3. Define the Decimal Length when the input is set for numeric-Only
4. Define the Case of the input (when it is set to receive all characters
5. Initialize the Text when first keystroke is input
Public Class TBNumber
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Enum Numonly1 As Int16
End Enum
Enum TextCase1
End Enum
Dim MyNum As Numonly1
Dim MyText As TextCase1
Public Property NumOnly As Numonly1
Return Me.MyNum
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Numonly1)
Me.MyNum = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property DecLen As Int16
Public Property TextCase As TextCase1
Return Me.MyText
End Get
Set(ByVal value As TextCase1)
Me.MyText = value
End Set
End Property
End Class