Display/Hide the elements with a sliding motion using JQuery.

In this article,I will explain how to display/Hide elements with a sliding motion using Jquery. The slideDown()/slideUp() method animates the height of the matched elements,from hidden to visible(slide effect). Durations are given in milliseconds; higher values indicate slower animations, not faster ones. slideUp() Method :Hide the matched elements with a sliding motion.

In this article,I will explain how to display/Hide elements with a sliding motion using Jquery.

The slideDown()/slideUp() method animates the height of the matched elements,from hidden to visible(slide effect).
Durations are given in milliseconds; higher values indicate slower animations, not faster ones.

slideUp() Method :Hide the matched elements with a sliding motion.






<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Animation Start.
// Animation complete.

<Div>My Div</Div>

<button class="b1">up</button>
<button class="b2">down</button>



Author: SIVA RAMAMOORTHY14 Feb 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Thank you Rajesh

Nice one..

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