Allow Alphanumeric characters and Replace nonAlphanumeric with EmptyString
This code snippet is to allow only alphanumeric characters and replace the non alphanumeric characters of a textbox with empty string. If a NonAlphanumeric character is entered the javascript method should replace it with an empty string.
This code snippet is to allow only alphanumeric characters and replace the non alphanumeric characters of a textbox with empty string.
Assuming that you have a TextBox which should allow the user to enter only Alphabets and numerics. If a NonAlphanumeric character is entered the javascript method should replace it with an empty string.
<asp:TextBox ID="txtBackendKey" onkeyup="return IsalphaNumericValidate(this)" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
Below is the Javascript method to allow only Alphanumeric characters.
//Accept only Alphanumeric value in Backend Key field.
function IsalphaNumericValidate(alphanumericChar) {
var txtBackend = document.getElementById("<%=txtBackendKey.ClientID %>");
var value = txtBackend.value;
var m_strOut = new String(value);
txtBackend.value = m_strOut.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '');
return m_sOut;