How to deal arabic datetime formats problem ?
in this article , I will explain a better way to handle arabic datetime issues and any other datetime issues using datetime ticks ,this way is so simple and reduce complications and conflicts in code
many developers faced problems dealing with datetime formats specially arabic datetime but i find that we can avoid this problem using datetime ticks
we can make use of it in the follwing issues :
1- Compare two date Times :
DateTime _DateTimeFrom = new DateTime(2011, 2, 1);
DateTime _DatTimeTo = new DateTime(2011, 2, 27);
if (_DateTimeFrom.Ticks <_DatTimeTo.Ticks)
//Do Somthing
2- Saving DateTime object
you can save object to file without making any condition for datetime formats or Parsing strings Using the Following Code :
//save DateTime to file
DateTime _DateTimeObjToWrite = new DateTime(2011, 2, 1);
using (StreamWriter _StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(@"c:\tempFile.txt"))
//Read From File
using (StreamReader _StreamReader = new StreamReader(@"c:\tempFile.txt"))
DateTime _DateTimeObjToRead= new DateTime(long.Parse(_StreamReader.ReadLine()));
hope this helps