New Features of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0

In this Article, I am going to explain about Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 and .Net Framework 4.0. You will learn about New Features of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0. What are the Major Components in Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0.

Introduction To Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 (WF) is the Microsoft Technology. WF is used for defining, executing and managing workflows.

Windows Workflow Foundation was released in 2006 with .Net Framework 3.0.
Latest version of Windows Workflow Foundation is support by .Net Framework 4.0.

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 is a developer productivity and Increase the performance of the application.

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 is used to create the workflow in very less time and without much effort.

Windows Workflow Foundation Provides a Programming model for building workflow based Windows applications on Windows.

Windows Workflow Foundation has Sequential and State machine workflows.

The Following are the New Features in Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 :

1. Improved Workflow Designer

2. Enhancements in data flow model

3. The Flowchart control flow activity

4. workflow activity model

5. Enhancement in built-in activity library

Windows Workflow Foundation Includes of various templates to create workflows, activities of define logic and Control flow.

What are the Major Components in Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0.

1. Workflows and Activities

2. Host Process

3. Base Activity library

4. Activity data Model

5. Custom Activities

6. Run time Engine and Services

In Windows Workflow Foundation, We Can Easily Create, Execute and Maintain the Workflows.Windows Workflow Foundation is a Part of .Net Framework 3.0, 3.5,4.0.

If you want to know about Compilation in ASP.NET 4.0 and its features. Please Refer Following Link.
Compilation in ASP.NET 4.0 and its features

I think It will help you about Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0. Thanks for reading my Article Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0. if you have any query or you have any suggestion, let me know. I will appreciate you valuable feedback.




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