What is Tuples in C# 4.0
Tuple is a static class which allows the developer to create an object with some properties in it without creating a class for it.
Lets say you want to send five marks of a student from a function to calling place, instead of creating a class with five properties you can use the Tuple class and assign those values and send the tupe object to the calling place.
In C# 4.0 a new type called Tuple is introduced. Commonly it is used to return multiple values from a method without using out parameters or Custom types.
We can create Tuple like the following,
new Tuple
new Tuple
Here is the real example of using a tuple to return multiple values from a method.
public Tuple
//Creating a tuple with two integer values in it Tuple.Create(i/j, i%j);
public void CallMethod()
var tuple = GetDivAndRemainder(10,3);
//Access the values based on its position
//Item1 will give a int
//Item2 will give int
Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1}",
tuple.item1, tuple.item2);
No need of declaring out parameters
No need of creating cutom type objects to return mutiple values
At the receiving end, we may not know, what data type is returned at what position in the tuple.