Difference between Bindings in WCF

Here we are going to see major differences between the different protocols that can be used with WCF. The security options provided int he protocols. the encoding supported by the protocol. WCF supports different protocols such as Http,Tcp,MSMQ, and other protocols.

WCF supports different protocols for communicating with the other services. This article describes the difference between different protocols used with WCF services.

BasicHttpBinding: It uses HTTP transport protocol. It uses text/xml as the message encoding. It doesnot support security. There is no reliability. It doesnot support transactions.
WSHttpBinding:It uses HTTP/Https transport protocol. It is a secure and interoperable binding. It supports Message security. Reliability is disabled by default. It support WS- Atomic Transactions.

WSDualHttpBinding:It uses HTTP transport protocol. Reliable messaging is enabled by default. It support WS- Atomic Transactions.

NetTcpBinding: It uses TCP as a transport protocol. It supports Binary Message encoding. It supports Transport security mode. Reliable messaging is disabled and it supports OLE Transactions.

NetPeerTcpBinding: It supports P2P transport. Binary message encoding. supports transport security mode. Reliable messaging and Transaction flow is disabled.

NetNamedPipeBinding: It uses NamedPipes as transport protocol and uses Binary Message Encoding. It supports Transport security mode and OLE Transactions. It is not a reliable messaging protocol.

NetMsmqBinding: It supports MSMQ transport , Message security mode and Binary Message encoding. It is not a reliable protocol and it does not support transactions.

MsmqIntegrationBinding: It also supports MSMQ transport same as NetMSMQBinding but it does not support message encoding. It supports Transport security mode whereas NetMsmqBinding supports Message security mode.

Article by Vaishali Jain
Miss. Jain Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in .Net(Windows and Web Based application development)

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Author: Sreedevi U.V18 Sep 2012 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

If you can show us a simple application which use WCF, it will be more useful.

Author: swetha26 Sep 2012 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 0

nice and helpful.

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