WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) made simple
This article includes creating a simple WCF Service, WCF Service Contract along with hosting and consuming WCF Service. This article does not require you to have Visual Studio installed in your system. You can use Notepad to write your code and compile it from Command window. A Complete Source code is also included along with compilation steps that you can refer to understand the topic properly.
A Simple end-to-end WCF application
Writing Source Code
No need to use Visual Studio and No need to create WCF.config.
For WCF learning purpose just create a "SelfHost" folder and write following four files in the folder with Notepad.
1) Service Contract
2) The Service
3) Hosting Program
4) Test Client
We will take all these files one-by-one...
1) Service Contract:
This part, defined the contract that would be known by the WCF-clients. It can be an interface with some methods
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
public interface IEMICalculator
double GetInterestComponent(double principalAmount, double interestRate);
double GetPrincipalComponent(double principalAmount, double interestRate, double EMIAmount);
2) The service:
This part implements the Service Contract interface and make WCF-clients able to call WCF-service methods.
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
public class EMIService : IEMICalculator
public double GetInterestComponent(double principalAmount, double interestRate)
double interestComponent = 0;
interestComponent = ((principalAmount * interestRate) / 100 ) / 12;
return interestComponent;
public double GetPrincipalComponent (double principalAmount, double interestRate, double EMIAmount)
double interestComponent = 0;
interestComponent = ((principalAmount * interestRate) / 100 ) / 12;
double principalComponent = EMIAmount - interestComponent;
return principalComponent;
3) Hosting Program
This program creates an instance of ServiceHost class with Service Endpoint (Address, Binding and Contract), starts WCF service for clients to consume its methods.
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
public class HostingWCF
public static void Main()
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
Uri address = new Uri ( "" ) ;
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost ( typeof(EMIService) , address );
host.AddServiceEndpoint ( typeof(IEMICalculator), binding, "EMIService" );
Console.WriteLine("Service Is Started (press a key to stop)...");
4) Test Client
This program instentiates ChannelFactory class (with Address, Binding, Contract) and creates a service proxy. Once proxy is created, clients can call Service methods.
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
public class ConsumeWCF
public static void Main()
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress ( "" ) ;
IEMICalculator proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
double intComp = proxy.GetInterestComponent(1000000, 8.25);
double prinComp = proxy.GetPrincipalComponent(1000000, 8.25, 20000);
Console.WriteLine("Interest Component: Rs." + intComp.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Principal Component: Rs." + prinComp.ToString());
By now, your code is ready, what's remaining is the compilation of following Parts:
1. Service Part
2. Hosting Part
3. Test Client Part
We will take all these one-by-one...
1) Compile Service Part:
D:\SelfHost>csc /t:library /out:EMIService.dll EMIService.cs IEMICalculator.cs
/t:library determines that the target will be a library file (DLL)
/out: determines the name of library file
and remaining files (*.cs) are the the source files used for compilation
Now, your WCF service is ready as EMIService.dll in the folder.
2) Compile Hosting Part:
D:\SelfHost>csc /t:exe /r:EMIService.dll HostingWCF.cs
/t:exe determines that the target will be an executable file (EXE)
/r:EMIService.dll determines the name of library file to include in the compilation
and remaining file (*.cs) is the source file used for compilation
Now, your WCF Host is ready as HostingWCF.exe in the folder.
3) Compile Test Client Part:
D:\SelfHost>csc /t:exe /r:EMIService.dll ConsumeWCF.cs
/t:exe determines that the target will be an executable file (EXE)
/r:EMIService.dll determines the name of library file to include in the compilation
and remaining file (*.cs) is the source file used for compilation
Now, your WCF Client is ready as ConsumeWCF.exe in the folder.
Testing your Service
Now we want to test our service. For that follow these steps ...
1) Start one command windows ( Start -> Run -> cmd ), locate SelfHost folder and execute HostingWCF.exe
2) Start other commend windows ( Start -> Run -> cmd ), locate SelfHost folder and execute ConsumeWCF.exe.
Compare your outputs with attached snapshots. If you get same outputs means you are done!!
Hope this article helps you to start with WCF.