How to refresh parent window while closing the pop up window in C#

In this article I am going to explain you, how to refresh parent window while closing the pop up window using C#. This is one of the common query I used to see in .NET forums. To refresh the parent page here I have used JavaScript.

How to refresh parent window while closing the pop up window in C#

Below is the combination of C# and JavaScript code to refresh parent page while closing the pop window.

First copy below code in the .aspx page you are opening the pop up window, this is a simple JavaScript. Add this Script after Head tag in your HTML page.

function Submitted()

Below code should be copied in your page_load event of the page you are opening the pop up,

if (IsPostBack)
string arg = Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"];
string val = Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"];

if (arg == "Submit")
//Code to populate/refresh the control

And finally in your popup window submit/close button click event write below code,

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Article by Asheej T K
Thanks and Regards Asheej T K Dotnet Galaxy

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