how to reset your motherboard's BIOS password without removing battery or jumper?

This trick is command prompt based.You can reset ur bios password without any need of opening of your cpu to mess up with jumpers or battery.It has worked for me and my friends but do it at ur risk.

On almost all AT motherboards, the Checksum is located at hexadecimal address 2e and 2f and filling the address 2e with ff is all you should have to do to invalidate the Checksum.

Do this at your own risk. I can only tell you that it has worked for me. But I cannot make any guarantees.

All debug commands can be aborted at any time by pressing CTRL/C.

Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode.

When you get to the C:\> or C:\WINDOWS> prompt, type DEBUG and press Enter.

A hyphen (-) prompt will appear waiting for you to enter commands.
Enter the following commands, pressing Enter after each one. The o is the letter o and stands for OUTPUT.

o 70 2e

o 71 ff


After the q command (which stands for QUIT), enter Exit.

Then try to enter your BIOS at bootup. The password prompt should now be gone and you should now have full access to it again. However, you will now be at the default BIOS setttings and may want to change them to your preference. You may also want to have your drives autodetected again.
In closing, I should state that in the case of a lost BIOS password, your first step should always be to contact your manufacturer to see if a backdoor password is available that will allow you to bypass the forgotten password.


Author: Muhammad Farooq25 Jan 2011 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

Hi mai,

Looking very nice Article.
I will try to use this hope it will work.
Keep it up more stuff like this.

Author: rehan khan28 Jan 2011 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 0

It not worked for me
I have Dell gx620
Bios version v11

Guest Author: Jacob02 May 2012

Turning your bus speed up by 50Mhz is quite a lot at one time, your could have possibly damaged your north bridge chip set because it has to increase its voltage to handle the addition bus speed. The north bridge chip-set also handles the connection to your GPU so that's the only thing I can think of. You cant try resetting your BIOS.

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