How to read Values from ini File in C#

Read Values from Configuration file i.e ini files in C#

This is a code to read ini file.
Steps to be followed:
1.First Create a ini file with .ini extention.
2.Copy this piece of text in emp.ini file
3.Save it as C:\\emp.ini

Copy this text as it is.

Now in Visual Studio Open a Windows Application in C#.
Copy this Code to read Values

public void read()
string line;
string deviceName = string.Empty;
// Read the file and display it line by line.
StreamReader file = new

while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
if (line.ToLower().StartsWith("xyz"))
string[] fullName = line.Split('=');
deviceName = fullName[1];
label1.Text = deviceName;

//in Button Click Event
//call the read Method.

Thats all.


Author: amol00725 Jan 2010 Member Level: Silver   Points : 0

Nice code..

Thanks & Regards

Guest Author: Jeanette09 Dec 2011

Good point. I hadn't tough about it quite that way.

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