Shortcut key Word

1. Ctrl+ b – Bold
2. Ctrl+ I – Italic
3. Shift+F3 – Change Case
4. Ctrl+Shift + F12 – Print
5. Shift + F12- Save
6. Ctrl+Shift + F – Font Change Select
7. Ctrl+ f4 – Close window
8. Ctrl+Shift+ >- Increase Font Size
9. Ctrl+Shift+ <- Decrease Font Size
10. Ctrl+Shift+A – Caps , Small
11. Shift+f7 - Research
12. Ctrl +k Hyperlink
13. Ctrl+N New
14. Ctrl+ O Open
15. f7- Spelleing


Author: Ajay Kumar Tak19 Jun 2009 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

Ctrl+d - font window
ctrl+f - find
ctrl+g - find and replace

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