SpamTestBuddy 0.95 - Multiple-input spam scoring tool
SpamTestBuddy is a simple, light-weight, multiple-input spam scoring tool. It is standalone and can be used with simple procmail rules without root access or daemons. Features built-in support for simple DNS checks including DNSBL (DNS-based blocklist) queries, and can scan headers from filters such as SpamProbe, QSF, DSPAM that you already use.
The results of the tests are added to new X-SpamTestBuddy headers.
1. TestDnsProblems - Check for existing reverse dns and consistent forward dns
2. TestFileIP - Check if connecting IP address (parsed from Received:) is in local text file
3. TestHeaderSubstr - Check for header substring match
4. TestHeaderYes - Check for header with right hand side "Yes/True/Spam"
5. TestHeaderFloat - Check for header containing value [0,1] and add/subtract from score
6. TestDNSBL - Check if connecting IP address is in DNS based real-time blacklist