Using regular expression to search for string,substring among array of strings
//Below is an function which searches for a existence of a string,substring among array of strings.
//Declare the string to search and the content string
string[] words ={"This","is an attempt","to search","string contents","using","regular expressions." };
string strToSearch = "regular";
//call the function SearchAndDisplay which will search and display the result.
if (!SearchAndDisplay(strToSearch,words))
Response.Write("No matches found.");
This function iterates through a given array and finds existence of a string among it.if found returns true and prints the string else returns false.
private bool SearchAndDisplay(string strToSearch,string[]arrContentString)
bool isMatchFound = false;
foreach (string tempString in arrContentString)
if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(tempString, strToSearch, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
isMatchFound = true;
Response.Write("Match found in :" + tempString.Trim() + "
return isMatchFound;