Jump to nth row or move up/down row on single click
To Move row up/down:
1.Place the below template column inside your column tag in Datagrid
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ToolTip="Click to move this row up" ImageUrl="~/Images/Up.gif" ID="btnUp" CommandName="MoveUp" />
2.Place Up.gif(or what ever the image you wants) inside the image folder of the root of your website.
3. Paste the below code inside the item command of your grid
Private Sub YourDataGrid_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)
Dim rowID As Int32 = DirectCast(dgMainMenu.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex), Int32)
Dim rowIndex As Int32 = 0
Dim rowToBeMoved As DataRow = Maindt.NewRow()
For i As Int16 = 0 To CShort(Maindt.Rows.Count - 1)
'create a copy of the row to be moved
If Maindt.Rows(i)("MNU_MENU_ID").Equals(rowID) Then
rowIndex = i
rowToBeMoved("MNU_MENU_ID") = Maindt.Rows(i)("MNU_MENU_ID")
rowToBeMoved("MNU_ITEM_NAME") = Maindt.Rows(i)("MNU_ITEM_NAME")
rowToBeMoved("MNU_ITEM_URL") = Maindt.Rows(i)("MNU_ITEM_URL")
Exit For
End If
Select Case e.CommandName
Case "MoveUp"
If rowIndex > 0 Then
'delete the selected row
'add the rowToBeMoved
Maindt.Rows.InsertAt(rowToBeMoved, rowIndex - 1)
dgMainMenu.SelectedIndex = rowIndex - 1
End If
Exit Select
Case "MoveDown"
If rowIndex < Maindt.Rows.Count - 1 Then
Maindt.Rows.InsertAt(rowToBeMoved, rowIndex + 1)
dgMainMenu.SelectedIndex = rowIndex + 1
End If
Exit Select
Case "Jump"
Dim txtJumpTemp As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtJump"), TextBox)
Dim jumprowIndex As Integer = CInt(txtJumpTemp.Text)
If rowIndex >= 0 And rowIndex < Maindt.Rows.Count Then
'delete the selected row
'add the rowToBeMoved
Maindt.Rows.InsertAt(rowToBeMoved, jumprowIndex - 1)
dgMainMenu.SelectedIndex = jumprowIndex - 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'ShowMessage("Specify a Row No. - Should be an Integer")
End Try
Exit Select
End Select
Session("MainOrder") = Maindt
End Sub
.. To be continued... The article is not a completed one!.