Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator(MS DTC) is responsible for transactions across a network of Windows NT and Windows 98-based systems.Whwn you install SQL Server,the MS DTC service is automatically added to the Services application in the control panel.With the help of MS DTC,SQL Server can atomically update dat,through a transaction that resides on two or more SQL Servers.
In SQL Server, MS DTC works as a service with a Windows NT user account.To start and stop MS DTC Service,you can use the Services program in the Control Panel,the Service Manager application,and SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
By using SQL Server Enterprise Manager,you can:
1>Start and stop MS DTC
2>View all the running transactions along with the status of each transaction.
3>View event log information as well as MS DTC trace information by opening the MS DTC Trace window.In addition,you can filter the displayed information based on the security level.
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