Genesis Microchip

Posted Date: 09 Dec 2006      Posted By: Asha Mathews     Member Level: Gold  Member Rank: 0  Points: 5

About Genesis Microchip

Founded in 1987, Genesis Microchip Inc. is the established leading supplier of display image processors in both the flat-panel TV and LCD monitor markets. The world‘s leading television and PC manufacturers rely on Genesis‘s award-winning, patented technologies and display controller solutions to produce visibly better and more vibrant images in their displays. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, Genesis operates on a global level to serve customers in their own countries with sales (link to sales page) and support centers in Taipei, Taiwan; Seoul, Korea; Shenzen, China; Tokyo, Japan and Singapore. In addition to its administrative and development center in the Silicon Valley, the Company also maintains two development sites in Toronto, Canada and Bangalore, India. Genesis is a publicly held company since February 24, 1998 and trades on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol GNSS.
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Employer Type Direct Employer
Official Website
Job Posts
Total Employees (All Locations)
Primary Technologies DSP algorithms, programming VLIW/DSP, RTL designs,
Company Certifications

Branch Offices of Genesis Microchip

Click on the branch name to view details including phone number, email, address and other information.

  • Thornhill, Canada

    Phone: 1 (905) 889-5400
    Address: Genesis Microchip (Canada) Co.
    165 Commerce Valley Dr. West
    Thornhill, ON L3T 7V8 Canada

  • Seoul, Korea

    Phone: (82-2) 575-1402
    Address: Genesis Microchip Korea Branch
    11F, Taeseok B/D, 275-5
    Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Ku
    Seoul, Korea

  • Bangalore, India

    Phone: (91) 80-2526-3878
    Address: Genesis Microchip (India) Pvt. Ltd.
    George Thangiah Complex (E), 2nd Floor
    80 Feet Road, Jeevan Bhima Nagar,
    Bangalore 560 075, India

  • Taipei, Taiwan

    Phone: (886) 2-8177-7096
    Address: Genesis Microchip Taiwan Branch
    5F, No. 100, Rueiguang Rd,
    Neihu, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.

  • Tokyo, Japan

    Phone: (81-3) 5745-0816
    Address: Genesis Microchip KK
    1-19-12 Isoda Build, 5F, Osaki, Shinagawa-ku
    Tokyo, 141-0032, Japan

  • Shenzhen, China

    Address: Genesis Microchip China Branch
    8/F West, Legend Building,
    High-Tech Industrial Park,
    518057 Shenzhen, P.R.C.

  • Singapore, Singapore

    Phone: (65) 6316-5300
    Address: Genesis Microchip Singapore
    2 International Business Park
    #03-27 The Strategy, Tower 2
    Singapore 609930

  • Alviso, United States

    Phone: 1 (408) 262-6599
    Address: Genesis Microchip Inc.
    2150 Gold Street
    Alviso, CA 95002 USA

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