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dotnetspider.com, founded by Tony John in year 2003, is managed and owned by SpiderWorks Technologies Private Limited, an Indian Company, having its registered office at Kochi, Kerala 683562.
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Asheej T K Asheej is a Microsoft MVP and Webmaster at DNS. If you visit the forum you will undoubtedly be mesmerized with the technical prowess he displays in his answers. | |
Gaurav Aroraa Gaurav is a Microsoft MVP and has been awarded lifetime membership from Computer Society of India (CSI). He has more than 14 yrs of experience in the software industry. Currently, he is working in the capacity of Project Leader with an MNC. He is an enthusiast and a good learner. Teaching and spreading technical knowledge is his passion. | |
Prasad kulkarni Prasad Kulkarni is a Microsoft MVP and one of the veteran members of dotnetspider. He started his journey with us in June 2007 and is one of the most active contributors of this community. | |
Alwyn Duraisingh Alwyn is a Microsoft MVP, DNS MVM and a forum editor. Alwyn is an answering machine. There is seldom any question in the form which he cannot answer. | |
Paritosh Mohapatra Paritosh is a Microsoft MVP, DNS MVM and a forum editor. He is one of the members with the most articulate manner of answering questions. In the past one year he is one of the member to have received the highest number of awards from DNS. | |
Tony John Tony John is a former Microsoft MVP and the founder of DotNetSpider.com along with several other popular websites in India and abroad. Tony is responsible for development and technical aspects of this website. Also, he takes care of business development, partnerships and advertising departments. Visit his professional blog: Techulator.com | |
Raghav Raghav has done his MS Degree in Software Systems from BITS, Pilani. Raghav is a webmaster with DNS and handles the selection of winners and announcing the winners of various competitions and also responsible for the finance and payment department. He also is responsible for answering site related questions and issues. | |
Dharmaraj Nagarajan Dharmaraj (or DNS Dharma as he calls himself) is a Lead Editor at DNS. He is an active editor of the resources section at DNS. He has been very active in advertising the greatness of DNS within his community of developers. |