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    Difference Between COM and DCOM

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    Please Clarify the Difference Between COM and DCOM

    Why those(COM and DCOM) are introduced?

    whether DCOM is succeder of COM?Moreover i want to know the formatter of those things.

    Please writedown their application with .NET
  • #7203

    both COM and DCOM are obsolete. .NET has replaced these two.

    Not many use these two now-a-days.

    Any .NET questions?

  • #7208
    COM objects require installation on the machine from where it is being used and DCOM requires installation somewhere on the same network.

    Any COM object may participate in DCOM transactions. DCOM introduced several improvements/optimizations for distributed environment, such as MULTI_QI (multiple QueryInterface()), security contexts etc.

    DCOM demonstrated importance of surrogate process (you cannot run in-proc server on a remote machine. You need a surrogate process to do that.)

    DCOM introduced a load balancing.

    The fact is dotnet has not replace the COM/DCOM instead it has extended the functionality by introducing new featurs to it.

    While dot-NET software can utilize COM components, and COM components can tie into many features of the Dot-NET environment, the two technologies are internally separate. In particular, Dot-NET has been designed to work across the Internet, with firewalls and wide-area networks, whereas DCOM was designed primarily for use on local-area networks.


  • #7236
    We can use the legacy COM components from .NET environment and viceversa.Inorder to access a COM component from .NET environment, .NET uses CCW ( COM Callable Wrapper ) object and for accessing a .NET component from COM environment , COM uses RCW( Runtime Callable Wrapper) object.

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