How solve Pivot table query

I want the following output using the pivot table. but I am getting errors, so how to solve this problem

Name of The PO ABMA Tab NXT ABMA Tab NXT
Xacrotech 11469 748 329 208231560 18720720 8733420

error: Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.

Sql query :

Select IPOName, TAB, ABMA, NXT, TAB1 as 'TAB', ABMA1 as 'AMBA', NXT1 as 'NXT'
from (Select IPOName, IPOSource, NoOfBids, IPOSource as 'IPOSource1',TotalAmount
from PIvotTableTest)as p
pivot(sum(NoOfBids) for IPOSource in(TAB,ABMA,NXT)) as p1
pivot(sum(TotalAmount) for IPOSource1 in(TAB1,ABMA1,NXT1)) as p2
Group by IPOName, TAB, ABMA, NXT, TAB1, ABMA1, NXT1