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  • Category: ASP.NET

    How to creae multi table with particular records-urgent

    hi frnds i need urgent solution

    i have marks table .and 55 table records stored in that table. i need to print this records like 18 per one tables .i want to create tables runtime to divide and how to create 18 records table as per total records.if any possible send me coding pls..i need to print 2 tables in single page.balance will display next pages
  • #769895
    We can perhaps think of a Many-to-Many relationship as combining two One-to-Many relationships.
    A many-to-many relationship exists between two entities if for one entity instance there may be multiple records in the other table and vice versa. The majority of databases you'll work with as a developer will have more than one table, and those tables will be connected together in various ways to form table relationships.
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