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  • Category: ASP.NET

    Show the popup based on gridview row value in C#

    I have gridview as follows

    Selectdata Studentid Name Month Sub1 Sub2 Sub3 Total

    Checkbox 215 Ram Jan 50 80 70 200

    Checkbox 123 Sam Jan 70 60 80 210

    Checkbox 123 Sam Feb 50 80 75 205

    Checkbox 150 Suresh Jan 70 80 90 240

    i click the checkbox and click submit button if suppose any student id value appear more than once means i want to show the popup.

    for example in the above gridview when i click the check box for the value student id 215 and click submit button pop up should not appear.

    simliarily when i click the check box for the value student id 123 and click submit button i want to show the pop up for that how to do in c#
  • #769795
    Hi Rao,

    You can try like this. I think you might have a dataset or some source that is binded for gridview. You can use that source data and search for the selected value and then show the popup. Create a private method with searching logic with the provided student id and return true/false, if true trigger the popup else don't.

    When you click the checkbox for the value student id 123 and when click on submit, pass that selected value to the created search method and based on the result show popup.

    Check this link to show popup dialog

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