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  • Category: ASP.NET

    Version of crystal report for visual studio 2012

    Which version of crystal report want to download for visual studio 2012 in windows 7 ultimate. i am download CRforVS_13_0_5 version.but when i run the project the report cann't be load in the crystal report viewer.but load on the pdf format.anybody give me solution for the above problem.
    Thank you
  • #769758
    Crystal Reports for VS2012 is not released yet. SAP is still working on it.

    Go to web site and check for more information.

    if you are interested in a release date. Go to the forum section there if you want to check showstoppers with using older versions of CR in VS2012.

    alternatively you can deploy with 3.5 frame work and continue the existing version of crystal report running on IIS as .net support backward compatibility and no issue even you are using 4.5 frame work.

    B.Ramana Reddy

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