Enrollment based Secure Authentcation
Hi Friends,I need a solution for the below Scenario, Please assist me if could get an idea with the same.
1. Create a Web application with default login page and home page with SQL DB Connection.
2. Admin page to Maintain to user master(creation,deletion(active/inactive),Update)
3. A user will send the request form to admin to create a user to access the Web application.
*4. once the admin creates the user id in the Applciation. An auto email sent to user email with the credential.
*5. User will login to the web application. if the login is initial attempt, then we need to enroll the user id and user's machine name.
*6. Any future logon into the system, it should compare the combination of user id and machine name are matching with intial enroll.
All i need here is, the authenticated user can only acces to my web application only from the register computer based on the initial enrollment process.
please assist and thanks in advance,