How to Handels for Wrong Controller Name or Action Method Name
Hello ,In ASP.NET Web site , I have newly implemented MVC, some part is MVC some ASP.NET .
I have static site which hosted on same domain, with URL Rewriting.
So any request comes from static site like OR
it gives server error which handled in Application_Error method
My Actual Controller and Action Method is like this.
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Controller", action = "IndexActionMethod", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
What I understand that "/abc/career/" OR "/abc/aboutUs/" when these request comes , tries to Map "abc" as controller and "career" OR "aboutUs" as Action method which does not exists.
so how can I Ignore these request that these should not treated as MVC Controller/Action Request.
one more thing this working fine only I am getting no implementation Error in Logger. I want to handle that error.
Regards ,
Jeevan Joshi