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  • Category: ASP.NET

    Display images from another folder


    I want to display an image in my application from another folder.

    my application in E drive and images in D folder.

    I have tried below code

    welcomeimages.ImageUrl =@"D:\writereaddata\UnitPhotos\" + dt.Rows[0]["PhotoUrl"].ToString();

    no error have showed. but image doesn't shown

    how to solve this


  • #769539
    You can't directly display the images in your website which is outside of your application folder. If you still, want you have to read those image and directly assign the URL with the binary data. That will make your website is very slow.

    Let me know what's the reason, you are trying to load the images from another folder.

    V.M. Damodharan
    "Your talent will be worthless, when you have fear and tension."

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