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  • Category: ASP.NET

    Button onclientclick is not working after button reset

    Hi team,

    I am using using webapplication,
    in this my button is <asp:Button ID="btnCompare" runat="server" Text="Compare" Width="102px" CssClass="standard-button-new vertical-common-button Cssbtn"
    OnClick="btnCompare_Click" />

    for validations,i am using $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_btnCompare").click(function () {

    return true;

    above onclientclick then click code server side event is working first time,

    then i am using reset button for my screen,
    in this reset i just done reset my control values to empty,

    now i again ,i am entering some negative text in text box i clicked my button, now
    after reset button,my button onclientclick is not firing pls,
    its working directly server side event,

    can any one tell me pls, why my javascript onclientclick is not firing after reset button working
  • #769455
    Have you use UpdatePanel ? Please elaborate so that we can help you better in order to resolve your query
    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #769461
    Please provide some more code. related to reset button, page load, events under the button click etc to see if anything wrong with your code?

    Asheej T K

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