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  • Category: .NET

    Simple delegate & Event example in c#

    Topic : Using Event and delegate implement custom event.

    Code :
    Class A
    delegate void MyDeleagate(int i);
    public event MyDelegate MyEvent;

    public void MethodA(double count, double Target)
    for(int i=o; (count > Target) && (i > count); i++)
    if( i == Target && MyEvent != null)

    Class B
    public static Main()
    A objA = new A();
    objA.MyEvent += MethodB;

    objA.MethodA(200000, 19876);

    void MethodB(int i)
    Console.WriteLine("MethodB called");

    // When " i " value in MethodA eqaul to "19876" then MethodB will call.
  • #769547
    Hi Rajanikant,

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    V.M. Damodharan
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