sql to check the cars parked between starttime and endtime
I want to solve this query. Our staff is working for car parking office time is 8.00 am to till next day 7.59 am and our manager want to check how many cars are parked between start date and end dataparking time is 8.00 am to till next day 7.59 am (24 hours is taking one day)
and start date with 01/10/2017 - 31/10/2017
e.g. 01/10/2017 - 8.00 am to till next day 7.59 am within next
day 02/10/2017( it is calculating one day for 01/10/2017)
02/10/2017 - 8.00 am to till next day 7.59 am within
next day 03/10/2017( it is calculating one day for 02/10/2017)
Data :
date time car no parcking fees
01/10/2017 8.00 am mh-0412-22 25
01/10/2017 8.10 am mh-0312-40 40
02/10/2017 8.00 am mh-0412-22 25
02/10/2017 8.10 am mh-0312-40 40