I have been cruising through various discussions today, and have viewed a couple of recordings on the theme, and keep on having issues so I'm asking here. On the off chance that it has been replied, I apologize, however it's not been for my absence of looking. I am new to database and programming subjects, so my wording or stating of the inquiry may not be useful to me.
In any case, I am building a gear measuring mini-computer in vb.net, with information being housed in Access. When I go to each new shape, I will have another bit of gear I am estimating. I have an information matrix see set up in each frame, and a few combo boxes, that will be utilized for questioning the datagrid see. This works fine, I associate with the database fine, yet I can't get the qualities from my db to populate into the sifting comboboxes. I will post a touch of my code, in spite of the fact that I have attempted numerous diverse contentions and strategies.
Using conn As New OleDbConnection(Yourconnectionstring)
Dim strQuery As String = "Select Distinct [RegModel] from [tblRegulators]"
Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(New OleDbCommand(strQuery , conn))
Dim ds As New DataSet()
cmbregulators.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
cmbregulators.DisplayMember = "RegModel"
cmbregulators.ValueMember = "RegModel"
End Using