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  • Category: .NET

    Need to send mail from web api

    Hi Team,

    I need to send mail from Web Api in VS 2015 .Net Core.
    I observed that, there is no smtp client in .net core 1.0.1 version, instead we can use mailkit for that.
    But i am not able to add that dependency.

    I observed 'mailkit' in nuget library list, but not able to get from VS -> Manage Nuget packages.
    It is saying just 'Error occured' with no details.

    Any one have idea in this. Quick suggestions highly appreciable.

  • #769314

    It is not listing when we type in Project.json file as other dependencies. but when we manually give like
    mailkit with version name, and then after save, able to get from nuget library and added into references.


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