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  • Category: ASP.NET

    How to Create a Online Test Page in

    hi Debvelopers ,

    I am creating a Project like Online tutorial .

    i need to create a Online Test Page for that. this is very very important module of my project.

    => 20 questions .
    => Questions should be bind from database .
    => Choose the best type
    => Result and marks should be Calculate.
    that's all.
    above these all modules i need to done. so anyone know this Logic please guide me to how i am done this module .

    thanks with
    "Man Becomes what he Thinks About"
  • #769265

    Kindly search our Project section. We have lot of sample projects available there.

    Below is one of the link for online test project sample,

    I request you refer the code but don't use the whole code if you really want to learn.

    Asheej T K

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