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  • Category: [About DotNetSpider]

    You can make money from this site by posting original and quality articles

    You can make money from this site by posting original and quality articles that comply with Google AdSense policies.. Also, we offer several other reward programs including monthly profit sharing, cash rewards per post, contests & prizes etc to contributing members.

    Please explain me how I can do it.
  • #769258

    Under Article tab, start creating your own article. The article should be created by you and it should be original.
    Once you done your article, we can post it to the admin verification. Once the verification and validation done from admin side. you article will be post in the website.

    # if you article is really good and people are started seeing those article, you get Google adrevenue money for that from DNS.

    #if you article is best then you will gift from DNS based on quality of the article.


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