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  • Category: .NET

    How to get data grid view all rows for printing

    I am creating windows application using c# 2010 here I am using data grid view for reporting purpose, in my data grid view having above 100 rows, and add a one button write a code for printing for that button, but print preview dialog box shown 30rows only other rows cannot shown.

    how to solve this error any one give me some ideas.
  • #769253
    Hello Boopal,

    You can print the rows by using three options:
    1. You can export all the rows to an excel file using excel dlls, then you can take printout those data.
    2. You can use RDLC report and which can display the data on multiple pages.
    2. You can use Crystal report which also can display the data on multiple pages. You can also save the data in different formats.
    If your print preview is correct then kindly check the next page of preview.

    Dhiraj C. Solanki

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