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  • Category: ASP.NET

    Wants a Notification in dashboard page


    I want notification in my dashboard page after any updation in my database also i want count of notification alerts in my dashboard page.
  • #769139

    Notification in sense, what it will update?
    Because notification will be like if some action happen like added or deleted completed then we can display in the notification.

    For good and flashy notification i use the below Jquery. (Notify.js)

    But if you are looking for dashboard kind i will prefer you ad-rotator. This is suitable for the dashboard kind because in the entire dashboard this ad-rotator will make the user noticeable.


  • #769140
    I want this notification in my ASP.NET web application and get notification in my dashboard page after updation in my Sql server database.

  • #769141

    Have you tried SignalR?
    SignalR implementation can be used for notification purpose and the implementation will be very simple.
    As you mentioned your application is ASP.NET, SignalR is apt for that.

    Kindly try the below link example and implement in similar fashion. In that example they have directly display the notification message, but you can store the information and display it with the help of SingleR.


  • #769143
    I want this notification in my ASP.NET web application and get notification in my dashboard page after updation in my Sql server database.

  • #769145
    You can use SignalR implementation with you need a method - SendNotifications() to get Notification in dashboard page
     Public void SendNotifications(string message)

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