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    I have query in UML design

    I have query in UML design. I would like to know where I can ask question regarding this.
  • #769126

    You can ask question here itself. Give a clear description about your problem and also u mentioned it was UML so try to attach the image or flow to make us understand the problem clearly.


  • #769156
    Hi Ravi,

    There is no category for particularly for UML diargrams, so you can post your query under "Parent Category : .NET and Category : General", and explain your query with detailed manner if possible provide screen shot for better understanding.

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  • #769175
    UML mean Unified Modeling Language Design is a general purpose ,development module language, in the filed of software engineering , a stander way to design of the system. UML which is used in object oriented software engineering .It is a rich language that can be used to model an application structures, Behavior and even business processes.

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