How to add textbox and dropdownlist dynamically in mvc using jquery
hi all i have dropdownbox and a text boxi have an image with + and - to add and remove lke below code then how to add textbox with dropdownlist dynamically upto 10 when click on + image and - will remove one by one
<td class="center">
<a href="#"> <img src="@Url.Content("~/images/cross.jpg")" width=16px height=16px title='@Resources.Resource.tip_RemoveApprover' alt='@Resources.Resource.tip_RemoveApprover' onclick="javascript:removeCurrentRow(this);">
<img src="@Url.Content("~/images/plus.jpg")" width=16px height=16px title='@Resources.Resource.Approver' alt='@Resources.Resource.Approver' onclick="javascript:AddTextBox(this);"></a>