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  • Category: .NET

    Reading pdf document in C#

    Hi I would like to know if it is possible to search for a specific heading in a pdf document and then read whatever text follows that heading then stop reading when I get to another heading.
  • #768902
    Hi stanley,

    Try Free Spire.PDF, it's a .net pdf library and supports to read and extract text from pdf documents:

  • #768903

    You can achieve this using iTextSharp dll, you can download it from online and add it as a reference to your project.

    Once add it to your project then add those references to your application and build the code by referring below link.

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

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  • #769289
    Hi all,

    This comment is for reading text from pdf.
    Im trying to read checkbox value from pdf.
    I came across OCR to read if it is image and convert and read.
    Please suggest some ideas
    If it is not third party dll it is more welcome.

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