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  • Category: Career Guidance

    How to calculate cost and timing for a software project?


    Currently, I am calculating cost and time required to complete a software/website/mobile app project manually where I am facing several difficulties, as I sometimes I am becoming super perfect and sometimes super imperfect.

    So, can please let me know if there is any traditional mechanism through which I can get 100% perfect calculation of costing and timing required to complete a software project?

  • #768769

    As per your requirement. Nobody can give 100% perfect result on the Timeline and cost.
    But I feel we can challenge close to near that target with the perfect calculation on the requirements.
    All senior management people are using COCOMO model for the this calculation. As it consider to be a very old strategy but still people are believing that its giving accurate result.

    Kindly check the COCOMO model here and let us know if you are able to perform the calculation perfectly.


  • #768771
    Hai Arijit,
    To calculate the Time and Effort for any software depends on the initial analysis of the project in which we need to analyze each and every part of the application including the feasibility, external environment, external factors affecting the software, as well as the we need to keep some buffer time.
    These things will help to get the approximate time lines and then the effort required. Try to break each component and then try to analyze the effort and time.
    Also there are few tools which can help in estimation:

    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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