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  • Category: ASP.NET

    Browser throws out of member area and session still active

    I have logged in via members area through my website and sometimes when i click on menu link it throws me out of members area and takes me to my home page. On home page there is a link for Member area which exist if my session is still active. I click on it it takes me back to my member's area, so there is no problem in the session.

    The main problem is that it occurs in my local system and live server both. Also the code doesn't debugged as it immediately takes me out of system. Another links are working fine and debugging is working.. Also it is not happening on a particular link but on any random menu link

    Don't know whether it is related to cookie as my browser(IE, Chorme, Mozilla) throws me out.
  • #768811
    Hai Badal,
    I think, you can check whether the cookies/session is available or it is null. If the cookie value is null, then try to get the cookie and then do the rest of the processing.
    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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